BHO Extractors
BHO Extractors – making effective BHO (butane hash oil) with extraction tubes!
BHO extractors consist of elongated tubes which are mostly glass, but which can also be made from other materials, like metal for instance. The tube is filled with plant material and then a solvent like butane gas is passed through it. Because molecules like TCH and CBD are for the most part nonpolar and thereby hydrophobic, they do not easily dissolve in water. But they do on the other hand dissolve rather well in nonpolar solvents, like butane, propane or hexane.
Effective extraction method
A substance like chlorophyll, which is known as the bitter tasting green pigment of the plant, on the other hand does not dissolve well in butane. Which means a BHO extract (butane hash oil) will never have a dark green colour, as opposed to an AHO extract (alcohol hash oil). Even though the use of butane in extractors has many advantages, there is also a high risk of the danger of explosion.
Take care! Butane is a flammable gas
Butane, a hydrocarbon from the alkane group, happens to be an extremely flammable gas which is heavier than air at room temperature, meaning it can very easily start to build up as a layer at ground level. This can lead to dangerous situations and the risk of explosion should therefore definitely not be underestimated. Because of this extractions with butane in BHO extractors should be done in the open air at all times or in a space which is very well ventilated.
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