
Making Weedoil

Making Weed Oil – Make your own effective weed oil now – Do-it-yourself kits for THC oil!

Because weed oil comes from the psychoactive weed plant and contains high concentrations of THC, this oil is not legally available in the Netherlands and most other countries. This means shops cannot offer this extremely effective THC oil to people who perhaps might greatly benefit from it.

Preparing THC-rich oil yourself

With our carefully composed do-it-yourself kits we offer the possibility to make your own highly concentrated weed oil. The kits are supplied as complete as possible. Only ethanol (alcohol) suitable for consumption and weed buds or trimmings still need to be added. Using the products supplied in the kit everybody can now very easily make a potent cannabis extract.

€ 42
€ 67
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    Product 1 to 3 (of 3 products) Result:1