CBD Tea – Healthy CBD hemp tea with natural herbs and fruits!
CBD tea is made from the dried leaves and flowers of hemp which naturally contain the well-known ingredient cannabidiol. CBD is a cannabinoid with ever increasing popularity from the cannabis plant.
Natural hemp tea with cannabidiol
The hemp flowers, from which the CBD tea is made, come from plants which are cultivated in a completely organic manner and under ideal climatological conditions, on unpolluted soil in the Alpujarra region in Spain. The hemp leaves come from Germany. During the entire vegetative- and flowering period no pesticides and other harmful substances are used, thereby making for an extremly pure natural product in which cannabidiol can be found in large amounts.
CBD-rich hemp with fruit- and herbal blends
Besides a natural CBD-rich hemp tea you can also buy various carefully composed and extremely tasty blends of hemp with fruit and beneficial herbs in our assortment. So is for instance the deliciously fragrant Winter Strong CBD tea with little bits of orange and cinnamon a popular and very favoured drink for cold winter days and you will feel excellent with the CBD tea in which extra beneficial ingredients like echinacea, black pepper and ginger have been incorporated. So do echinacea and ginger for instance both support the immune system* and does ginger support an ideal immune balance in the respiratory system*.
* claims on hold
Important information can be found at the bottom of the page
18 Items
CBD Hennepthee Egyptian Eye - Kruidig geurende dadel / kaneel melange Egyptian Eye is een kruidig geurende CBD hennepthee, gecombineerd met een dadelmelange volgens oud Egyptisch recept. Naast hennep en een overvloed aan dadels is de melange samengesteld uit de meest verfijnde kruiden zoals kaneel, gember en kardamom, en verrijkt met stukjes kokoschips. Ook kaneel ist, los van de heerlijke geur, een nuttige stof. Cannabidiol-rijke henneprassen in de thee De CBD-rijke hennep soorten Finola, USO 31 en Futura 75, waarmee de thee bereid is, zijn afkomstig van kleinschalige hennepvelden die zich in Duitsland en Spanje bevinden. De hennepvelden in Spanje zijn gesitueerd op berghellingen van het Alpujarra gebergte in de regio Andalusië (Zuid-Spanje). De ongereptheid van het gebied en de gunstige klimatologische omstandigheden bevorderen de aanmaak van waardevolle bestanddelen zoals cannabinoïden en terpenen. Gebruikte ingrediënten in de Egyptische CBD-houdende thee Naast de effectieve en hoge kwaliteit hennepbladeren en bloemen van de henneprassen Futura 75, Finola en USO 31 (Cannabis sativa L.) bestaat de kruidenmelange uit de onderstaande ingrediënten: Dadels (dadels, rijst meel) Kardamom Kokoschips Kaneel Gember Netto inhoud CBD thee Een verpakking Cibiday CBD Thee bestaat uit 60 gram of 120 gram zuivere hennep-kruidenmelange zonder extra toevoegingen. Je kunt de juiste keuze maken in de opties.
CBD Hennepthee Bio Relax - Genot bij ontspanning - 40 gr. Stress omstandigheden en een gehaast leven eisen vroeg of laat zijn tol, wat niet alleen ongunstig is voor het concentratievermogen, maar ook voor de lichamelijke gezondheid. Deze CBD-bevattende hennepthee laat je extra genieten van je eigen rustgevende momenten. Alle ingrediënten die voor het samenstellen van de Bio Relax hennepthee zijn gebruikt, zijn afkomstig uit de ecologische landbouw. Hierdoor is de thee niet alleen weldadig voor de mens, maar is het ook vriendelijk voor het milieu en de dieren in de omgeving. Ayurveda gezondheidsleer De bestanddelen in de hennepthee zijn zorgvuldig bij elkaar gecombineerd volgens de Ayurveda leer. Dit is een traditionele gezondheidsleer waarbij getracht wordt het lichaam weer in perfecte balans te krijgen. Dit wordt bereikt door een juiste samenwerking tussen lichaam en geest. Volgens de Ayurvedaleer is een mens pas gezond als hij zowel lichamelijk, emotioneel, mentaal als spiritueel in evenwicht is. Het woord Ayurveda is afgeleid van de woorden ayus dat leven betekent en veda dat voor wetenschap of kennis staat. Hennep variëteiten in de thee De thee bevat zowel bladeren als bloemtoppen van de henneprassen Futura 75, USO 31 en Finola, soorten die rijk aan cannabidiol, of afgekort CBD, zijn. Doordat het gehalte THC in deze planten onder de wettelijke grens ligt, zijn deze cultivars door de Europese Commissie goedgekeurd. Een psychoactief effect is dan ook volledig uitgesloten. Inhoud Een verpakking bevat 40 gram hennep kruidenmelange. Samenstelling CBD hennepthee Bio Relax Naast de bovengenoemde henneprassen bestaat de thee uit de vogende ingrediënten: Kaneel Schillen van rozenbottel Citrusschil Venkel Hibiscusbloemen Gember Kardamom Kamille Lindebloesem Rupsklaver Zoethout Kruidnagel Zwarte Peper Alle ingrediënten die deze CBD hennepthee Bio Relax bevat, zijn afkomstig uit de ecologische landbouw en zijn op 100% biologische wijze geteeld. Let op! Deze thee bevat zoethout waardoor mensen met een hoge bloeddruk overmatig gebruik dienen te vermijden.
Futura 75 hemp plants from Spain
The hemp flower buds which are used in the CBD tea, come from the Futura 75 hemp strain which is grown in the Alpujarra mountains in Spain. The hemp leaves come from the Finola and USO31 strains, both grown in Germany. These three hemp strains contain hardly any THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, as a result of which they are officially approved by the European Commission and are included in the list of certified hemp strains.
This means these hemp strains can be legally cultivated. Especially our Futura 75 hemp is grown in a very exclusive manner. This takes place on small-scale terraces which are located at great altitudes in the mountainous region. The environmental conditions can be described as absolutely ideal. So do the plants for instance grow on a clean and uncontaminated soil, they get a maximum number of hours of sunshine each day, they grow in clean air and they are irrigated with water coming from mineral rich spring water and meltwater from the mountains of the Sierra Nevada.
Favourable growing conditions of hemp benefit the quality
All these favourable growing conditons result in a clean and pure end product in which high concentrations of cannabinoids, terpenes and other beneficial substances have been produced. Because of the minimal amount of THC the CBD tea however does not cause any stoned of high
effect whatsoever.
The preparation of CBD hemp tea You can make tea in various ways and with the help of different tools. In order to do full justice to the potency of the hemp herbal- and fruit blends it is important that the ingredients have enough room in the water.
The best result is gained when the blend is sprinkled directly in the cup or teapot and then water is poured over it. With the help of a sieve the tea can be served. To make it easy you can also buy an extra roomy Tea Egg Ball or T-sac tea filter bags from unbleached paper in which the ingredients also have enough room to fully blossom.
With the preparation of hemp herbal- and fruit tea it is recommendable to not use the same teapot you use to make regular tea since the tannic acid left behind can influence the effectiveness and the taste.
Compose healthy tea yourself
Plants, herbs and spices each have their own beneficial characteristics. Add to that the fact some herbs can amplify each others effect or facilitate the intake by the body. Flavoursome herbs can be used to be applied to a tea blend which has a less pleasant taste as well.
The action of herbs usually does not rest solely on one particular ingredient of the herb. Mostly it is a working together of ingredients. These substances can sometimes be easy to dissolve in water , but there are also substances which can hardly be dissolved in water at all.
Polar and nonpolar ingredients in plants and herbs
Ingredients which are easy to dissolve in water are called polar. Components which do not or hardly at all can dissolve in water, but can be dissolved in fats, oils and alcohol, are called nonpolar. In most cases the ingredients in the herb have both polar as nonpolar characteristics.
Echinacea for instance contains alkaloids, alkylamides, polysaccharides, phenolic acids, polyacetylenes and sesquiterpenes. Some of these substances are polar, while others are actually rather nonpolar. So when you drink tea made from this herb only a part of the ingredients is extracted, the polar part.
Why add milk or butter to hemp tea?
CBD just like other cannabinoids, as for instance THC, is hydrophobic and lipophilic. This means that it cannot be easily dissolved in polar solvents, like water. Cannabinoids do however dissolve well in nonpolar solvents, like fats, alcohol and oils.
Because of this it is recommended to add a dash of whole milk, a knob of real butter, a scoop of milk powder or chocolate powder when preparing hemp tea in order to fully benefit from the potency of CBD. With the fruit- and herbal blends you might not choose the milk as milk can diminish the effect of certain herbs.
In the category Health Herbs you can choose from various dried herbs and spices with which you can compose your own ideal tea. You can also choose to start growing wholesome plants for yourself. In the categories CBD Seeds Hemp plants you can buy various kinds of hemp seeds. To make the growing extremely simple you can use aids like the AeroGarden. This is a fully automated grow system with which you gain acces to a supply of fresh herbs the whole year round.
Too much can be bad
Despite the fact that the various types of Cibiday CBD hemp tea are composed of natural herbs and fruits, this does not mean an indefinite number of cups can be drunk in a short period of time.
Some tea blends contain herbs from which it has been shown that they have specific health benefits for humans, but that too much of them could have detrimental effects. Our advice is therefore to enjoy in moderation and to alternate with other tasteful herb- and fruit blends.