Terpene Profiles Cannabis
Terpene Profiles Cannabis – Full terpene spectrum from cannabis plants - 100% Terpenes!
Contrary to the terpene isolates, which are derived from all kinds of plants and consist of a single type of terpene, the terpene profiles (sometimes also called terpene spectrum or – bouquet) come from cannabis plants and consist of a complete profile of all the terpenes which are present in that particular cannabis plant. This can be both THC-rich as CBD-rich weed strains, like the CBD-rich ACDC weed plant for instance.
Terpene profiles without a psychoactive effect
Depsite the fact all these terpenes come from the psychoactive variety (> 0.2% THC), these terpene profiles will not cause any psychoactive effect whatsoever. The profiles are made up of just terpenes and contain no cannabinoids. In the images attached of laboratory tests the percentages of the terpenes present are represented. Not all terpenes present are shown, because the samples are tested for only 34 terpene types, while many more other types are to be found in cannabis plants.
Isolating terpenes derived from cannabis is a time consuming and costly process
Due to the fact a complete terpene profile is only present in small percentages in a given amount of cannabis, the obtaining of terpenes derived from cannabis is a time-consuming and costly process. This is further complicated by the illegal status of weed in most countries, which means cannabis is not available in abundance. This makes a profile more expensive to purchase than terpene isolates from other plants besides cannabis.
Not suitable for cats! (see terpene index)
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